Rates & Insurance

Your initial consultation of 30 minutes is entirely FREE.
Our fees for services are covered by a variety of insurance and extended health benefit plans and Psychotherapy can be claimed as a medical expense.

Service Fees

Service fees will be determined at consultation based on insurance coverage for Psychotherapy or Social Work.

Initial Phone Consultation – 30 minutes FREE

Psychotherapy or Social Work:  Costs start at $165 for Individual Therapy

HeartMath Program – Customized Packages Available

MyViva packages also available for individualized Health Coaching: For more information CLICK HERE

Accepted Methods of Payment: Credit Cards and eTransfer


Since insurance plans are so varied it is impossible to address whether your particular insurance plan will cover your costs for Psychotherapy or Social Work. However, most insurance companies cover counselling with Registered Psychotherapist or Social Workers such as myself.  Services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. I can provide the receipt for submission to private health insurance or for income tax purposes. Please check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions of your insurance provider:

  • Do I have mental health insurance benefits?
  • Do my benefits cover a Registered Psychotherapist and or Social Workers?
  • How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?
  • What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
  • Is approval required from my primary care physician?

Once you have the above answers, you will be able to truly assess the cost for counselling.

Cancellation Policy

Please note there is a cancellation policy. My promise* to my clients is to provide prompt and reliable support with limited to no wait times.  In order for me to fulfill this promise, I require clients to respect their scheduled appointments and understand that not showing up to an appointment does not allow another client to access the timely support they may need.  I am offering full services online ONLY.

Cancellation Fees

  • Any session not cancelled 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time will be charged the full session fee.
  • Any fees not paid up will have to be paid before booking next session.
  • E-transfer is preferred. Credit card/debit fees may apply for those using credit/debit cards.

*Therapists and other self-employed professionals do not receive a salary and are only paid per session, so a cancellation without enough time to fill that spot means they lose a significant portion of their income for the day. Consequently, they simply cannot afford to have this happen on a regular basis.

Sometimes, of course, life happens. If a genuine crisis arises in your life, I will waive the fee. Outside of crisis situations, there are many options available to make sure that you’re able to attend an online counselling session even if something does come up. Having a backup plan for childcare, and keeping up to date on your weekly schedule, are all helpful ways to avoid having to pay for a session you did not use.